About Accordance for Android

Accordance for Android can be installed on Android devices running Android 5.x (Lollipop) and higher. The Accordance for Android App provides access to some of the most commonly used features of Accordance Bible Software—wherever you go. Core features of Accordance, such as simple search commands and grammatical searching, can now be accessed on your mobile devices. Simply download your modules, and continue your study using Accordance's unique searching capacity whether you are on a trip, waiting for a lecture to begin, or simply standing in a long line. Or, look up Bible verses and access commentaries and lexicons while in class, chatting with friends, or in the midst of a theological discussion.

Convenience, speed and privacy are maximized; there is no need to be online to use Accordance. Once modules are downloaded to your Android device, you can search and read them off-line. Dig into the Bible, compare multiple translations, look up original Greek and Hebrew words, access your Bible reference library, broaden or narrow searches, dive into the original languages and benefit from the very best in Biblical scholarship and software design.

If you are new to Accordance, the Accordance for Android App is a great introduction to the power of Accordance Bible Software. The App even comes with free modules to get you started.

Accordance for Android adapts to the smaller screens of Android phones, as well as the larger screens of Android tablets. Accordance for Android is perfect for you, whether experienced or new to Accordance Bible Software. Now you can enjoy quality Bible study wherever you are, whenever you want.