The Construct Tab

The Construct tab is shown below. Note that the Construct Palette (#2) for the Hebrew Construct tab would be located on the right instead of the left.

# Name Description
1 Description box Used to enter a description of the construct for future reference. Use the Display menu to set the font and styles of this text
2 Construct palette Items used to define elements and connecting items; available items vary depending on the type of Construct tab opened, and whether or not Syntax databases are installed
3 Connecting Items area Area where Connecting items (i.e. WITHIN, INTER, AGREE) are placed; used to specify relationships between construct elements by placing them above the columns
4 Area Divider Separates the Connecting items and Element items; drag the bar up/down to increase/decrease the area size
5 Element Items columns Used to define the elements of a construct
6 Search both directions option When selected, the search is performed in both directions
7 Search button Used to initiate a construct search (the construct must be linked to a text)