The Characters Popover

The Characters popover displays the special characters of the selected Accordance font. You can enter characters in the Search Entry box of a tab, or in any Edit window.

To open this popover, do one of the following:


The Characters Popover can also be detached using by clicking the Detach button (Click to detach and turn into a floating window), and then closed manually.

When working with the Characters popover, note that:

The Characters popover is shown below.

No. Button/Option Description Notes
1 Font Opens the Font pop-up menu for selecting a special Accordance font Items are: Helena, Yehudit, Rosetta, MSS, Sylvanus, Peshitta, and Salaam
2 Show/Hide options You can show or hide the letters, diacriticals (Greek), pointing and cantillation (Hebrew), or special characters The popover automatically resizes to fit your selection
3 Float Click to change the popover to a floating palette that remains open after working with it Normally the popover closes after each use. If you want to access it more often, click this item.
4 Letters Displays all letters for the selected font Characters can only be entered into a Search Entry box that is set to the same font. Clicks are ignored if the search Text or Tool field requires a different font.
5 Diacriticals (Grk) or Pointing and Cantillation (Hebrew) Displays diacritical characters for this font (or pointing and cantillation for Hebrew fonts) Overstrike characters are shown relative to the gray boxes
6 Special Characters Displays other special characters with this font  
7 Details Bar Identifies the character and associated keystroke for the indicated letter This is updated as you move the cursor over the characters