Set Info Pane Display Dialog Box

Prerequisites for use: The Info pane is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element pane. 

Use: The Set Info Pane Display dialog box is used to define how information is displayed in the Info Pane.

Description: Changes affect all future Info panes. If you want your changes applied to all future Info panes, click Use As Default.

Set Info Pane Display

Open the Set Info Pane Display Dialog BoxOpen the Set Info Pane Display Dialog Box

Do one of the following:

  • In the Action menu of the Info pane, choose Set Info Pane Display.
  • Right-click inside the Info pane and choose Set Info Pane Display.
  • Press +T.

Options in the Set Info Pane Display Dialog BoxOptions in the Set Info Pane Display Dialog Box

  • Show Book Covers: When selected, the book covers for Commentaries, Study Bibles, Grammars, Apparatus, and MSS Images are shown in the Info pane. If not selected, only the name of the Tool is displayed.
  • Size: Used to set the default font size for all Themes, and appropriately scales the References font size. Hence, changes here affect the font size of the text and the verse references in the text.
  • Initial Commentaries: Used to select the number of commentaries to be displayed initially. You can choose 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 40 commentaries to be initially displayed.
  • Cross-reference Tool: Used to select the Tool from which all cross-references in the Info pane are obtained. The recommended Tool is Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Enhanced, but you can use any cross-reference resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module.
  • Hypertext Area: These items are used to select the default Text for Scripture links.
  • Text: Choose the Bible Text used when opening a Scripture reference link, or viewing the Text in the Instant Details when a cursor is over a reference. You can choose from any installed Text.
  • Alternate Text: Choose the Bible Text to use if the verse is not found in the first Text.
  • Use as Default: Used for your changes to be applied whenever you open an Info pane. You are asked to confirm this choice.