Print Settings Dialog Box

Prerequisites for use: None; this dialog box can be opened at any time. 

Use: The Print Settings dialog box is used to set the margins and headings for the pages, and determine whether and how parallel panes are printed.

Description: Note that you may need to change these settings when working with a different printer.

Open the Print Settings Dialog BoxOpen the Print Settings Dialog Box

To open the Print Settings dialog box, do one of the following:

  • On the File menu, choose Print Settings.
  • Press Opt++P.

Options in the Print Settings Dialog BoxOptions in the Print Settings Dialog Box

Margins Area: Used to set the margins for printing tabs with text.

  • Top, Bottom, Left, and Right:Enter the desired margin sizes in each box as appropriate.
  • Pane separation: Used to specify the distance between columns on the printed page. This option should be defined when selecting Print all panes.
  • Units: Choose either Inches or Millimeters for the numerical settings.


If a tab contains a graphic or image (such as a Map, Construct, or Graph tab), the left and top margins are used to determine its position on the page.

Multipane Printing Area: Used to format the appearance of printed tabs with text panes.


  • Tool and User Notes panes display the entire text, but print only the entries relating to the Bible verses showing in the tab.
  • Commentaries with long entries for the verses are best printed horizontally.
  • If Page width same as tab is selected, each pane prints with the same width as in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area. If you are printing multiple panes and this item is not selected, Accordance fits the columns to the page width you have determined in your print settings. The relative widths of multiple panes are preserved so each column on the page is proportional to its corresponding text pane in the tab. In either case, the width of the columns in your printout is determined by the relative width of the text panes on the screen.

Options Area: These items affect printing from any tab.

  • Include heading details: When selected, specifies whether the contents of the Search Entry box or Description box should be printed at the top of the first page. Heading details include the pop-up menu settings and the search argument as well as the selected pericopeClosed A set of passages (one or more verses) which have been identified as a unit (for example, parallel passages) title in a Parallel tab.
  • Include page number: When selected, adds page numbers to the printout.
  • Page width same as tab: When selected, the printout preserves the width of the text tab on the screen. In effect, using this option overrides the right margin setting and makes the width of the output identical to the width of the tab.
  • Scale graphics to page: When selected, scales the image up or down to fit onto the printed page (OSClosed Operating System X only).
  • Remove text coloring: When selected, prints all text in black.
  • Use default font size of: When selected, you can choose a base font for printing from the pop-up menu. This ignores the displayed font sizes, and prints the main text in the selected size, with other languages and any headings resized proportionally.
  • Line Spacing Pop-up menu: Used to format text as single spaced, double-spaced, or triple-spaced. Double or triple spacing adds extra spaces between each line of the printed version.