Links in Tools
In Accordance, Tools are the books you can add to help study the Bible, or which you just want to read. When you select a Tool When capitalized, refers to a secondary source in the Accordance Library from the Library, it opens at the beginning of the book.
A special feature of Tool When capitalized, refers to a secondary source in the Accordance Library modules is the links which display additional information.

- Tap a simple internal link to jump to another part of the Tool
When capitalized, refers to a secondary source in the Accordance Library.
- Tap a footnote or abbreviation to jump to that location.
- Tap the Android interface Back arrow at the bottom to retrace your steps within the Tool
When capitalized, refers to a secondary source in the Accordance Library.

Tap a scripture link to display the Instant Details pop-up A screen element that pops up after a tap somewhere on the screen. NOTE: A pop-up may take up the entire screen when viewed on a mobile device. displaying those verses in your top Bible, or the second Bible if the verses are missing from the top one.
Close the pop-up A screen element that pops up after a tap somewhere on the screen. NOTE: A pop-up may take up the entire screen when viewed on a mobile device. by tapping outside it.

Pictures in Tools appear as thumbnails within the text. If there is no thumbnail, a picture icon appears in its place.
- Tap the thumbnail or picture icon to see the image in Picture View (the full screen view
As in Main View, Library View, etc.; relates to any display that takes up the full screen, regardless the device. of the image). The status bar and top Accordance bar disappear; if there is no black frame, you can tap to restore display of the status bar.
- Tap the Android Back arrow to return to the previous view
As in Main View, Library View, etc.; relates to any display that takes up the full screen, regardless the device..

A Reference Tool When capitalized, refers to a secondary source in the Accordance Library in an additional pane with Bible text lets you view
As in Main View, Library View, etc.; relates to any display that takes up the full screen, regardless the device. the scripture and picture links in the pop-up
A screen element that pops up after a tap somewhere on the screen. NOTE: A pop-up may take up the entire screen when viewed on a mobile device. as well as follow the links.