Verse Searches (
You can search for one verse or a range of verses. Entering references for searching or defining ranges consists of two major components:
- Abbreviations and Book Numbers: The book abbreviation and number must be correctly entered in the Search Entry box for Accordance to correctly identify the target text.
- Punctuation Symbols: The correct punctuation must be used, to assure correctly locating the desired chapters, verses, and range.

In Accordance, you can abbreviate all names of Biblical books, as long as the abbreviation is a standard abbreviation or is long enough to uniquely identify the command or book. Thus, to specify the book of Obadiah, it is enough to enter O, since no other books in the Bible begin with O. However, Joh is the minimum abbreviation necessary to distinguish John from Jonah. Certain standard abbreviations are also recognized, so you can also enter Jn for John. The only exception to this is the entry Phil, which is taken to mean Philippians rather than Philemon.
To specify a single book, type the name or abbreviation of the English name of the book. For example, entering gen displays only the book of Genesis.
Some books of the Bible have a numeric prefix, such as II Kings. In Accordance, this is displayed with a numeral and no space as 2Kings. When you export to convert a file to another format for use in another application. from the Bible text as a citation or references only, the space is added to the reference.
When you enter a reference you can use a space or combine the numeral with the book name to form a single word. Thus, to specify I Kings as a reference enter 1 Kings, 1Kings, or I Kings. You can also enter 1k or 1 k, since this uniquely identifies this book.
If you are working with a Text in a different language, the book name in that native language can also be used; for example, '1Reyes' (1st Kings in the Spanish RVR09).
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Hint To see the names and abbreviations of the books in the current text, select Display>List All Book Names. If you want to use Roman numerals in the book name, be sure to have a space after them, for example, II Kings and not IIKings. |

The Enter Symbol submenu (Search menu) displays a list of the available symbols in each mode with a brief description of their function. Selecting a symbol from this submenu places it in the Search Entry box. Symbols which are dimmed on the menu are not appropriate for the current mode. Of course, you can also enter the symbol from the keyboard.
To specify a range of books, enter the first book name, a hyphen (-) or option hyphen (-), and the last book name. For example, entering Genesis-Deuteronomy defines a range that covers the first five books of the Bible. A hyphen can also be used to describe a range of chapters or verses.
Chapter numbers follow the book name with or without a space. Use a colon (:) or a period (.) between a chapter and a verse in a reference. For example, Gen 1:2 finds the second verse of the first chapter of Genesis.
To specify multiple sections of a text, or a range of verses, use a comma (,) between similar items in a list, and a semicolon (;) to separate different items. For example, Gen 2:5-6, 9-10; 3-4 will find Genesis chapter 2 verses 5, 6, 9 and 10, and all of chapters 3 and 4. You must add punctuation between a reference and the next book name to avoid an error message.
Adding f or f. to a reference adds one of the last unit. For example, Gen 2:4f includes verse 5, Gen 2f includes chapter 3, and Gen f includes the next book, Exodus.
Adding ff or ff. after a reference extends it to the end of the last defined unit. Thus Mal 2:4ff includes all the verses to the end of chapter 2, Mal 2ff includes all the chapters until the end of the book, and Mal ff includes all the books to the end of the Bible.
If Use European notation for verse entry and display is selected in the Appearance area of the Preferences dialog box, use a comma (,) in place of a colon (:) to divide chapter and verse, and a period (.) in place of a comma to separate a list of references.
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Book Name | Abbreviation | Book Name | Abbreviation |
Genesis | Gen. | Tobit | Tob. |
Exodus | Ex. | Judith | Judith |
Leviticus | Lev. | Wisdom | Wis. |
Numbers | Num. | Sirach | Sir. |
Deuteronomy | Deut. | Baruch | Bar. |
Joshua | Josh. | LetterJeremiah | LetterJ. |
Judges | Judg. | 1Maccabees | 1Mac. |
Ruth | Ruth | 2Maccabees | 2Mac. |
1Samuel | 1Sam. | 1Esdras | 1Esdr. |
2Samuel | 2Sam. | Manasseh | Man. |
1Kings | 1Kings | 3Maccabees | 3Mac. |
2Kings | 2Kings | 2Esdras | 2Esdr. |
1Chronicles | 1Chr. | 4Maccabees | 4Mac. |
2Chronicles | 2Chr. | Matthew | Matt. |
Ezra | Ezra | Mark | Mark |
Nehemiah | Neh. | Luke | Luke |
Esther | Esth. | John | John |
Job | Job | Acts | Acts |
Psalms | Psa. | Romans | Rom. |
Proverbs | Prov. | 1Corinthians | 1Cor. |
Ecclesiastes | Eccl. | 2Corinthians | 2Cor. |
Song | Song or Cant | Galatians | Gal. |
Isaiah | Is. | Ephesians | Eph. |
Jeremiah | Jer. | Philippians | Phil. |
Lamentations | Lam. | Colossians | Col. |
Ezekiel | Ezek. | 1Thessalonians | 1Th. |
Daniel | Dan. | 2Thessalonians | 2Th. |
Hosea | Hos. | 1Timothy | 1Tim. |
Joel | Joel | 2Timothy | 2Tim. |
Amos | Amos | Titus | Titus |
Obadiah | Obad. | Philemon | Philem. |
Jonah | Jonah | Hebrews | Heb. |
Micah | Mic. | James | James |
Nahum | Nah. | 1Peter | 1Pet. |
Habakkuk | Hab. | 2Peter | 2Pet. |
Zephaniah | Zeph. | 1John | 1John |
Haggai | Hag. | 2John | 2John |
Zechariah | Zech. | 3John | 3John |
Malachi | Mal. | Jude | Jude |
Revelation | Rev. or Apoc. |

The following alternative names can be used, as follows:
- Canticles for Song of Solomon
- Apocalypse for Revelation
- Ecclesiasticus for Sirach (in the Apocrypha)