The Paper Tab

Each part of the Paper tab is listed below:

Use the Edit Window toolbar to quickly edit the text of a Paper in a variety of ways. Each part of the Paper tab format menu is listed below:
# | Description | Details |
1 | Language pop-up Menu |
Click to choose Greek, Hebrew and Default keyboard layout |
2 | Font style pop-up Menu | Click to choose the font style |
3 | Font Color pop-up menu | Click to choose the font color |
4 | Superscript/Subscript buttons |
Click to apply superscript or subscript formatting to the selected text |
5 | Add Link button | Create hyperlinks to internal and external sources |
6 | Add Endnote Insertion button | Add an endnote at the insertion point or text selection |
7 | Font pop-up Menu |
Click to choose the desired font |
8 | Font Size pop-up menu | Click to choose the font size |
9 | Bold, Italics, Underline buttons | Click to apply the desired formatting to the selected text |
10 | Justification buttons | Click the Left, Center, or Right Justification buttons to apply to your selection or the paragraph in which the cursor is resting |