Use Simple Drawing Tools 

The simple drawing tools are used to create basic lines and shape. After using one of these tools, click without dragging to automatically return to the Selection tool.
The line tools simply draw a line from the start to the end of the "drag."
Click to draw horizontal or vertical lines at 0 or 90 degrees only.
Click to draw a straight line at any angle.
The rectangle tools create a rectangle with angled or rounded corners as you drag diagonally across from left to right.
To constrain the drawing to a square, click and hold down on Shift as you draw.
- The rounded corners rectangle has a fifth point inside the top left corner. To alter the radius of the corners, drag this point.
The oval or circle tool draws an oval as you drag diagonally across from left to right.
To draw a circle, click and hold down on Shift as you draw.
- To reshape the oval click and drag any of the points.