File Menu

File Menu Item Description Notes
New Tab

Opens a submenu with the following options:

Recent Modules: Opens a list of recently opened modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource

Modern Bibles: Opens a list of available Modern Bible modules

Greek Texts: Opens a list of available Greek Text modules

Hebrew Texts: Opens a list of available Hebrew Text modules

Latin Texts: Opens a list of available Latin Text modules

Other Texts: Opens a list of non-Biblical Text modules

Text Browser: Opens a list of verses in multiple translations

Dictionaries: Opens a list of available Dictionary modules

Commentaries: Opens a list of available Commentary modules

Greek Lexicons: Opens the a list of available Greek Lexicon modules

Hebrew Lexicons: Opens a list of available Hebrew Lexicon modules

Grammars: Opens a list of Original Language Grammar modules

Visual: Opens a list of Image-based modules

Devotionals: Opens a list of Devotional modules

Cross-references: Opens a list of Cross-reference modules

Study Bibles: Opens a list of Study Bible modules

Practical: Opens a list of Praxis-oriented modules

Preaching: Opens a list of Homiletically-oriented modules

Theological: Opens a list of Theologically-oriented modules

Writings: Opens a list of writings by miscellaneous authors

History: Opens a list of Historically-based modules

Biblical Studies: Opens a list of modules focused on Biblical Studies

Apparatus: Opens a list of Apparatus modules

Journals: Opens a list of Journal modules

Greek Studies: Opens a list of modules focused on Greek Studies

Semitic Studies: Opens a list of modules focused on Semitic Studies

Rabbinic: Opens a list of modules focused on Rabbinics

Translator Notes: Opens a list of notes associated with Text modules

Other Books: Opens a list of resources that don't fit any other category

Parallels: Opens a list of available Parallel modules

Construct: Open a Construct tab

Map: Opens a list of available map Backgrounds

Timeline: Opens a new Timeline tab

User Tools: Opens a list of available User Tools

User Notes: Opens a list of available User Notes

Current Stack: Open the Current Stack in a new tab

Reference List: Opens a new Reference List tab, or the first Reference List listed in the Library

Research: Opens a new Research tab, used to search for text in all texts and/or tools

Web Browser: Opens a Web browser in a new tab

Each of these items opens an additional sub-menu for choosing and opening the selected moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource in a new tab.

If a new tab is opened, it becomes the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.

Where appropriate, the selected item opens in a new zone or the appropriate zone.

All items are listed as displayed in the Library.


New Workspace Opens a new workspace with the default text  
New Construct Opens a new Construct tab. The submenu allows you to choose a Simple, Greek, or Hebrew construct  
User Files

Opens a submenu with the following options:

New User Tool: Creates and saves a new User Tool file

Import User Tool: Imports a text file into a User Tool

Merge User Tools: Merges two files into one tool

New User Notes: Creates and saves a new User Notes file

Merge User Notes: Merges two files into one User Notes

Import Bible Text: Imports a text file as a Bible module

Duplicate Creates a copy of the active window or workspace  
Duplicate Tab Creates a copy of the active tab  
Open Opens the standard Macintosh Open dialog box, for selecting and opening an Accordance module or file (such as User Notes)  
Open Autosaved Session Opens a submenu for selecting the desired autosaved sessionClosed The arrangement of screen elements when working with Accordance Up to 50 sessions are autosaved
Open Workspace Opens a submenu for selecting a previously saved workspace  
Close Closes the active tab or workspace  
Close Tab Closes the active tab

Pressing the option key (before accessing the File menu) changes this item to Close Other Tabs.

Close Pane Closes the selected pane

Pressing the option key (before accessing the File menu) changes this item to Close Other Panes.

Close All Windows Closes all open workspaces and tabs, except the Library window and any open palettes, without quitting Accordance  
Save Saves a new or changed active workspace as an Accordance file  
Save As Opens the standard Macintosh Save dialog box for saving the active workspace as a new Accordance file  
Save Active Tab Saves the tab in which you are working as a separate file The tab opens in a separate workspace the next time the file is opened.
Save Session Opens the standard Macintosh Save dialog box for saving all open windows and workspaces as a single file  

Save Text Selection


Save As Picture

Text Selection: If text is selected, the option reads Save Text Selection and opens a submenu for saving the text as a Plain Text or an RTF file.

Graphic Selection: If a graphic is selected or the active window contains a graphic, the option reads Save As Picture and opens a submenu for saving the graphic as a JPEG File, or as a PNG File.

If no text is selected, the Save Text Selection option is dimmed.

If Unicode exportClosed to convert a file to another format for use in another application. is selected in the Greek & Hebrew Preferences, the Plain Text option is dimmed.


Page Setup Opens the Macintosh Page Setup dialog box for defining the page setup for printing  
Print Settings Opens the Print Settings dialog box for choosing how and what to print (including printing parallel panes and setting print margins) For more information, see The Print Settings Dialog Box.
Print Opens the Macintosh Print dialog box for printing text/graphics based on the Print Settings and Page Setup settings  
Print Selection Opens the Macintosh Print dialog box for printing the selection (text or graphic) based on the Print Settings and Page Setup settings