Amplifying with Key Numbers

Normally amplifying a selection in any pane searches for the selected word(s). This section summarizes the amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. features specifically relevant to Key numbers.



Selecting a Key number in a tool is treated like an English word when you amplify. Therefore, you cannot amplify from Key numbers in tools, though you can copy and paste them into the Search Entry box and search for them in the appropriate field, or with the KEY command in a Keyed Bible text.

Triple Click ShortcutsTriple Click Shortcuts

Amplifying with Other Shortcut KeysAmplifying with Other Shortcut Keys

Holding the Opt or Shift key down while amplifying from a Keyed Bible text lets you search for the original Greek or Hebrew in the following ways: 

  • Press Opt while amplifying to any tool, or a Greek or Hebrew Bible text, to search for the dictionary forms of the original words. If the tool has a Key number field but no field of the original language, Accordance searches for the Key number.
  • Press Opt while amplifying to a Keyed Bible text to place the Key numbers from the selection in the Search Entry box with the KEY command, and perform the search.
  • Press Shift while amplifying from one Key number text to another to search for the English word rather than the Key number.
  • Press Shift while amplifying from a Key number word via the shortcut menuClosed Also known as a contextual menu, acessed by right-clicking (or pressing Ctrl+Click, Mac only) over a screen element and choosing Lookup>Dictionary to search for the word in the top English dictionary.

In all these cases, words from a phrase are separated by <AND> in a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area, but form a list of alternative words in a Tools tab (enclosed in parentheses, separated by commas).

Amplify From Key Numbers to Language ToolsAmplify From Key Numbers to Language Tools

  • Select a portion of text and click Parsing to display each word in the selection, together with the same Key number details displayed in the Instant Details for words with Key numbers.
  • Click Word Chart (Word Chart button on the Workspace toolbar; you can also select Word Chart from the Amplify menu) on the Workspace toolbar (if this item is not on the toolbar, choose Language>Word Chart from the Amplify menu) to place all selected words in a spreadsheet, together with the details of the Key numbers. You can edit this spreadsheet and add your own notes to it.

    Sample Word Chart


In the Analysis and Parsing tabs you can select a word and amplify to any Text or Tool with the same language to find that word. If you select a Key number you can search a Keyed text or dictionary for that number.



Bibles with lemmas behave like Key number texts:

  • triple-click on a word to find the lemmaClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word in the associated German dictionary.
  • pressing the option key while clicking Search or amplifying to a lemmatized Bible text, places the lemmas from the selection in the Search Entry box with the KEY command, and performs the search.
  • pressing the option key while amplifying to any tool searches for the lemmas.
  • the Parsing tab shows the details of the lemmas for the selected words.