Amplify Resources: Details

You can select a verse, word or phrase in almost any pane, and amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. to almost any available item in the Library. The Toolbar is used to amplify to items such as Context, Word Chart, Diagram, Parsing, and Research. The type of search performed is contextual—it depends on three things: the selection itself, the content in the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element pane or tab (the source), and the moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource to which you are amplifying (the target). Each of these AmplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. resources are detailed below. Click the How To... link for detailed instructions on amplifying to that resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module.

Library: Texts AreaLibrary: Texts Area

The Texts section of the Library provides instant access to all Accordance Bible Text modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource. You can amplify from a Bible text to any of these texts of the same language (English to English; Greek to Greek, etc.).

How To...

Sample Texts Area of the Library

Library: Tools AreaLibrary: Tools Area

Sample Tools Area of the Library

Library: Background AreaLibrary: Background Area

Icon Meaning Amplifies To...

Click to select the desired background for an Atlas map


An Atlas tab with the place name selected on the map

How To...

Click to open a Timeline


A Timeline tab displaying the selected name (person or event)

How To...


Library: My Stuff AreaLibrary: My Stuff Area

Meaning Amplifies To...

My Tools

A tab with the selected word, phrase, or verse in the User Tool

How To...

My Notes

A tab with the selected verse(s); if there are no User Notes, the Edit window opens for adding a note

How To...

My Workspaces

The options here do not amplify, per se. Rather, they open a saved Favorite workspace, or let you create a favorite workspace

How to...

My Groups Tabs with all the modules in the selected Group
My Bookmarks Tabs with bookmarked content in specific modules


Toolbar: Language, Context, and ResearchToolbar: Language, Context, and Research

Icon Meaning Amplifies To...


Keyed Bible Text selected: Each word in the selection is displayed together with the same details shown in the Instant Details for words with a Key number
How To...

Tagged Text selected (for example, Greek New Testament or Hebrew Masoretic Text): A tab opens with the parsing details for the selected word

How To...


A Diagram tab: The tab is used for creating a grammatical diagram of the selected Bible text (English, Greek, or Hebrew); the diagram is not created automatically

How To...


Audible computer reading of the selected text (English, Greek, or Hebrew); minor pronunciation inaccuracies may be encountered with Greek or Hebrew

How To...

Word Chart

A Word chart tab: The tab is used for creating a syntactical chart of the selected Bible text (English, Greek, or Hebrew); the chart is not created automatically; if a Keyed Bible text is selected, all selected words are placed into a spreadsheet together with details of the Key numbers; you can edit the details and add your own comments

How To...


A Text tab with the surrounding context for verses in a Bible text pane

How To...

Search All box (top right of the Workspace toolbar)


Searches all modules for text entered in the Research box. Click the magnifying glass to open a pop-up menu for accessing other items or groups to search.

"All" Items: Searches in the selected group of modules; use My Groups in the Library window to set up your own groups to search

Graphics Tools: Searches in all tools with significant illustrations (except the Atlas and Timeline)

How To...

No Icon

Search (same module)

Search Back

These items are accessed via the Amplify menu (menu bar or Workspace toolbar)

Search: Quick search for any words entered in the Research box; a new Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area appears with the same panes as the original tab

Search Back: Applies only to a selection in a Search tab that has the search argument linked to another tab; the search is for the selection in a duplicate of the source tab

**You can change the character of the voice in the Speech area of the Preferences dialog box.