Create Word Charts

You can create charts for words, phrases, and whole sentences, and then annotate each word in the chart. The Word Chart aids Biblical exegesis by encouraging you to analyze each word's syntactical function as well as its form. This is quickly accomplished via the Word Chart feature, accessed via the AmplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. menu or the Workspace toolbar.

Open a Word Chart Tab and Create a Word ChartOpen a Word Chart Tab and Create a Word Chart

  1. Select the text for which you want to create a Word Chart.

    For this example, select all the words in Genesis 2:7 of the KJVS.
  2. On the Amplify menu, choose Language>Word Chart. A Word Chart tab opens in a Language Tools zone.
  3. The Word Chart lists every selected word, along with its Key number and original language equivalent (displayed in both Greek or Hebrew characters and English transliteration).
  4. Information initially displayed in the Word Chart varies depending on the type of Bible text selected (grammatically tagged, Key numbered, or non-tagged text).
  5. Additional columns are displayed for entering your own comments.
  6. You can also customize the Workspace toolbar to open a Word Chart from there.
  7. Enter your comments in the Function and Comments row for each word, as desired.
  8. Double-click in the Function or Comments boxes to enter your observations and comments.
  9. For example, the word for God is plural. You might want to note this in the Comments.
  10. In the Function boxes for each word, you might want to note that "man" is the direct object, and "ground" is the object of a preposition.
  11. You might also note in the Comments column the similarity in Hebrew for these two words.
  1. If desired, save the Word Chart.

You can save the Word Chart and the entire workspace (File>Save), only the Word Chart tab (File>Save activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab), or the entire sessionClosed The arrangement of screen elements when working with Accordance with all open workspaces (File>Save Session).

Understanding the Word ChartUnderstanding the Word Chart

The Word Chart is arranged like a spreadsheet.

  • The column headings show the intended use of each column.
  • A line displays the verse reference for each verse of your selection, followed by one line for each selected word in the verse.
  • The columns vary, depending on the text selection. You can click and edit the information displayed in all cells except those of the first column.
  • The first column always lists the word in the selection.
  • Lemma (grammatically tagged text only): Displays the lexical formClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word of the word.
  • Parse (grammatically tagged text only): Displays parsing information.
  • Key (Key numbered text only): Displays the key number for the word.
  • Form (Key numbered text only): Displays the word in its original language.
  • Transliterate (Key numbered text only): Displays the English transliteration of the word.
  • Function (all texts): Left blank for your input.
  • Translation (grammatically tagged text only): Displays the glossClosed Short definition of a word for that word.
  • Comments (all texts): Left blank to enter additional comments.

Work with the Word Chart TabWork with the Word Chart Tab

  • Resize any column: Click-hold-drag the vertical lines to the desired position (the cursor changes to a two-headed arrow, ).
  • Add or edit text in a cell (except in the first column): Double-click in a cell to add or edit text.
  • Use the Font bar to change the font characteristics (type, size, color, etc.).
  • Delete, Clear or set the font information for all selected cells.
  • Select a row, a column, or a cell in the table.
  • Select one cell by clicking on it.
  • Select a block of cells: Click-and-drag the cursor over the cells, then release; the cells are selected.
  • Select a row or rows: Click-and-drag the cursor across the entire row (including all labeled columns).
  • Copy selected rows: Click-and-drag the selected rows to a new Word Chart tab. The copied rows are automatically inserted in the original word order.
  • Delete rows: Press Delete or Clear to delete selected rows.
  • Page margins are shown as blue lines, and can be set via the Page Setup dialog box (File>Page Setup). The horizontal page margins automatically adjust to the cell margins. Column lines can be adjusted to fit the vertical margin.
  • Set default font, color and style for new tabs in the Word Chart Tabs area of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Use the scrollers, or +arrow keys to Scroll through the table.
  • Print: Choose File>Print to print the Word Chart.
  • You can also save the chart as a text file to open in another program, or copy the whole chart or a selection and paste it into another program. The columns are replaced by tabs so they can be recreated in a word-processor or a spreadsheet.