The User Notes Tab

The User Notes tab has two main areas, a Search Entry area, and the User Notes Display area. A shortcut menu can be used to access frequently used commands.

An explanation of the parts of the User Notes tab is provided below, together with basic tasks related to it. Features that are not described are the same as for a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area or a Tools tab. When the tab is initially opened the total number of notes in the file is displayed.

Open a User Notes File in a User Notes TabOpen a User Notes File in a User Notes Tab

Do one of the following to open the User Notes file in a User Notes tab:

  • Press and click on the Notes icon () to the far right of the Text.
  • Open the User Notes file via the Library (My Notes area) or the toolbar.

The User Notes tab has some similarities with the Search tab, and consists of an upper Search Entry area and a lower User Notes Display area.


When accessing a User Notes file via the toolbar, if a verse reference or a location in a Tool is selected, the Edit window opens for adding/editing a User Note at that location.

Navigate Notes in a User Notes TabNavigate Notes in a User Notes Tab

You can navigate through the notes in a variety of ways:

  • Via the Table of Contents
  • Via the scroolbar
  • By pressing + or + to navigate one-by-one through the next and previous notes, respectively.
  • By pressing Shift+ + or Shift+ + to navigate in sets of 10 through the next and previous notes, respectively.

The Search Entry Area (User Notes tab)The Search Entry Area (User Notes tab)

# Description Details


Select User Notes

Opens a pop-up menu offering a list of User Note files. You can quickly switch between different User Notes files.

2 View Search Options pop-up menu Opens a pop-up menu for accessing the search history.



Similar to the field pop-up menu in a Tools tab, with three items:

Reference: Select to find the note attached to a specific verse. Setting the field to Reference lets you find the verses attached to a specific reference, whether the reference is visible or not.

Content: Select to perform a simple text search, including any references in the notes.

Article: Select to perform a search within an article.


Search Entry box

Similar to that of the Search tab except that you cannot use any search commands.


The User Notes Display AreaThe User Notes Display Area

# Description Details


Pane Bar: Notes order

Opens a pop-up menu for selecting the Bible text used to determine the book and verse order in your notes.

For example, if you select a Hebrew Bible, the books will appear in the order of the Hebrew Bible. The notes for the New Testament are displayed in a separate section called Other Bible.

2 Show all text This item appears after performing a search. Select it to show all User Notes. When selected, all User Notes are displayed. You can navigate between hits by pressing +Ctrl+ or . You can find hits by navigating to marked items in the Table of Contents area (far left of the User Notes pane). The status of this item is recalled the next time you perform a search.
3 Pane Bar: Number of hits Displays the number of search hits.


Pane Bar: Font size and Action menu

Click to the letters to increase/decrease the font size displayed in the pane.
Use the Action menu to activate Auto Scroll or to change the appearance of the display in the Set Notes Display dialog box.
5 Table of Contents

Provides quick access to all notes applied to Texts and Tools. The notes are sorted by Bible (according to the selected Notes Order) and Tool. Each Tool has its own section.

After performing a search, the notes with a hit are marked with bright color bars; sections (books, etc.) containing the hits have lighter color bars. The color is the search hits color as set in the Preferences or for that specific file.


User Notes pane

Displays the User Notes file or User Note search results. You cannot add other text panes in parallel, and there is no Text menu. In addition:

  • Scripture references in hypertext style are links. When clicked they open the Bible text displayed in the Notes order pull-down menu. An error message appears if the reference is not found.
  • If the reference belongs to a different text, you can open a Text tab, change the Text order setting to that text, and click the link again.



When you close a User Notes tab a message may appear asking if you want to save the tab. Any changes you made to the notes in the Edit window have already been saved. Therefore, there is no need to save the tab unless you want to save the current set-up of the tab itself.

More About the Notes Order Pop-up MenuMore About the Notes Order Pop-up Menu

The Note Order pop-up menu lets you set the order of the notes based on any corpusClosed Collection of writings found in the User Notes file.

In the picture below, the same User Notes file is shown. On the left the Note Order has been set to the Hebrew Old Testament (HMT-W4). On the right the order matches that of the HCSB.