Use the Text Tool

The Text tool is used to add sections of text to a User Layer.

To add text:

  1. Click at the point on the User Layer where you want the text to be placed. A Text Box opens.
  2. Enter the desired text.
  3. The Text Box extends from the point where you clicked to the edge of the tab.
  4. Although the text wraps as it is entered in the box, the wrap-around does NOT carry over into the text object. Therefore, use carriage returns to start a second line.
  5. The box opens with a height equal to three lines. If you enter more lines, the text scrolls up inside the box.
  6. When done, click outside the text box. The Text Box becomes a text object on the User Layer.
    The text itself, and the text object can be edited, as detailed below.

Edit in the Text BoxEdit in the Text Box

Use can use several options in Accordance to format the text in the Text Box.

  • Use the Edit menu commands to copy, cut, and paste text in the Text box, or to and from other tabs that allow text entry.
  • Use the Font bar or items on the Display menu to define the Font, Size, Style, and Color of the text.
    All text in one text object has the same characteristics.
  • To automatically change the text direction from right to left, select the Hebrew Yehudit font.
  • You can copy the font, size, style, and color of text from anywhere in Accordance and apply it to the text in the Text Box.
  • Select the formatted text you want to copy.
  • On the Edit menu, choose Copy As>Style Only.
    You can also press +[.
  • Click in the Text Box.
  • On the Edit menu, choose Paste Style (or press +]). All text in the Text Box takes on the copied format (Font, Size, Style, and Color).

Edit Text ObjectsEdit Text Objects

When finished entering text, click anywhere outside the text box to see the text object. The cursor reverts to the selection tool. The text object automatically resizes to fit the text. It has points at the corners, and a frame and fill determined by the current settings in the palette.

Hide the Frame: Select the text object and click on the User Layer palette.

Hide the Fill: Select the text object and click (No Fill) on the User Layer palette.

Show the Fill: Select the text object and click (Solid Fill) or one of the other fill patterns on the User Layer palette.

Edit Text Format of Multiple Text Objects: If one or more text objects are selected, you can use the Font bar, items on the Display menu, or the Paste Styles option to format the Font, Size, Style, and Color of all text in the selected text objects.

To re-edit text, double-click the text object to reopen the Text Box. When reopened, it displays all your text and three additional lines.

When zooming in or out of the User Layer, the font size adjusts to the closest standard font size. The size of the text object varies slightly relative to the map, but the location of the upper left corner remains constant.