Define Site Sets Dialog Box

Prerequisites for use: An Atlas map is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.   

Use: The Define Site Sets dialog box is used to combine several Site layers into one Site Layer Set so they can be displayed together. You can combine previously defined layers to make a more complex set. The order of layers in each set determines the order in which they are drawn. The first layer in the list appears on top, overlapping the second and any other layers.

Description: This dialog box combines selected layers to create a Layer Set. The actual appearance of individual Site layers is defined via the Define Site Layers dialog box.

Open the Define Site Sets Dialog BoxOpen the Define Site Sets Dialog Box

  1. Open a map and make it the active tab.
  2. From the Site Layer pop-up menu, choose Define Site Sets.

    This dialog box also opens if multiple site layers are displayed on the map and you choose Convert to Site Set from the Site Layers pop-up menu.

Define a Site Set (Overview)Define a Site Set (Overview)

  1. Open the Define Site Sets dialog box.
  2. Click New to create a new Site Set. [New name] is added to the List of Site Sets and the Name of set box.

    To edit the Site Set, select it from the left list of Site Sets.
  3. Enter a name for the Site Set in the Name of set box.
  4. In the left Site Layers list, choose the Site layers you want in this Site Set and click the Site Layers» button above the list. Selected layers appear in the right Layers selected list.
  5. Rearrange the order of Site Layers in the Layers selected list using the Up and Down buttons.
  6. Select a name and click Delete to remove it from the Site Set.
  7. Click OK to save your changes. The selected Site Set is displayed in the active Atlas tab.

Options in the Define Site Sets Dialog BoxOptions in the Define Site Sets Dialog Box

List of Site Sets (Top): Displays any Site Sets already defined. The Site Set last used when this dialog box was closed is selected when the dialog box is reopened.

List Buttons: Used to arrange the Site Set names in the list and on the pop-up menu.

  • New: Adds [New name] to the list and in the Name box, and resets the rest of the options to the default settings.
  • Delete: Removes the selected name and definition from the list and from the Site Layers pop-up menu.
  • Up and Down Buttons: Click to move the selected name up or down the list.

Name of Set box:  Used to enter or modify the name of the selected Site Set. Adding spaces before the name indents it on the pop-up menu.

Site Layers» List: Displays all defined Site Layers. These layers are available for individual display or for combining into a Site Set. Add items to the Layers Selected list by doing one of the following:

  • Double-click an item in the list on the left, or select an item and click the Site Layers» button above the list.
  • Shift+Click to select a range of items, or +Click to select multiple individual items.

Layers Selected List: Displays the Site Layers in the selected Site Set. You can change the order of items in the list (and in the Site Set), or delete items using the Up, Down, and Delete buttons next to this list.


The order of layers in a Site Set is very important. If a site appears in more than one of the selected layers, it is displayed in the font, size, style, and color of the uppermost layer which includes that site.

Example: If the OT layer is above the NT layer, with OT sites white, and NT sites yellow, Jerusalem appears in white. If you move the NT layer above the OT layer, Jerusalem is now displayed in yellow.