Hebrew Tag Code Tables


This topic has not yet been updated to reflect the changes in Version 11.1.1.

When working with a grammatically tagged text, you can use tag details as part of your search criteria. These parameters can be included in your search argument as part of a Construct tab (by dragging a part of speech palette item into an element column) or through the use of the Tags submenu (Search menu) from the search entry box.

This topic contains a comprehensive listing of all valid settings for each of the parts of speech of the tagged Hebrew and Aramaic texts. Some tag options are only available based on the settings for other tags within the same part of speech. For example, the noun gender, number, and case can only be set when the class is set to common.

Each table also shows the abbreviated form and tag code symbol for each of these options. The Tag display pop-up menus in the Parsing and Analysis display dialog boxes is used to view the full parsing information, abbreviated forms, or tag codes.

The tag codes are made up of single letters and are displayed in the same order as the full parsing information. Thus, a C in the tag code for an adjective means either common or construct, depending on where it appears in the code. This Parsing tab has been set to display tag codes.

The third tag code in this tab, VQP3MS, shows that ברא is a VERB qal perfect third person masculine singular.


The tag codes are not exactly identical to those in the Westminster Hebrew Morphological Database. Minor changes were necessary to make each tag code within a detail unique. Unlike Westminster, the codes are NOT case sensitive.

Options that apply only to Aramaic text are italicized in the tables below, and in the Accordance dialog boxes.

If a tag option is undefined, the space is filled with 0.

The following tables list the Hebrew tags, abbreviations and tag codes for each part of speech.

Adjective (Tag Code = A)Adjective (Tag Code = A)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
both both B
common comm C
Class cardinal card C
ordinal ord O
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
State absolute abs A
construct const C
determined deter D

Noun (Tag Code = N)Noun (Tag Code = N)

Proper names formed from more than one word are treated as separate words. Each part is tagged properName with its own lexical formClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word.

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class common comm. C
properName proper P
transliteration translit T
gentilic gent G
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
both both B
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
State absolute abs A
construct const C
determined deter D

Paragraph (Tag Code = X)Paragraph (Tag Code = X)

This tag indicates the letters נ, פ or ס which appear as markers at the end of many verses.

Particle (Tag Code = P)Particle (Tag Code = P)

The compoundPrepositionArticle tag indicates the combined preposition and article. Therefore, to find all prepositions you should search for (preposition, compoundPrepositionArticle), or to exclude all articles, you can exclude (article, compoundPrepositionArticle).

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class article art A
conjunction conj C
adverb adv D
interrogative interr G
interjection interj I
negative neg N
object obj O
preposition prep P
relative rel R
existence exist E
compoundPrepositionArticle compoundPrepArt X

Pronoun (Tag Code = O)Pronoun (Tag Code = O)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class common comm. C
properName proper P
Person first 1 1
second 2 2
third 3 3
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
common comm C
Number singular sing S
plural plur P

Suffix (Tag Code = S)Suffix (Tag Code = S)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Person first 1 1
second 2 2
third 3 3
paragogicHeb paragogicH H
directionalHeh directional D
paragogicNun paragogicN N
Class energicNun energicN E
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
common comm C
Number singular sing S
plural plur P



The suffix has no lexical form.

Verb (Tag Code = V)Verb (Tag Code = V)


The H and A on the pealal and polel are added to distinguish these stems from others of similar name, or beginning with the same letters, since the Aramaic and Hebrew are distinct.

  • The participle and passiveParticiple are separate tags. Therefore, to find all participles you should search for (participle, passiveParticiple).
  • The Other tags can only be accessed when perfect, imperfect or wawConsecutive are selected.
  • Cohortative heh is no longer used in the latest versions of the Hebrew Bible.
  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Hebrew stem qal qal Q
nifal nif N
piel piel P
pual pual U
hitpael hitpael T
hifil hif H
hofal hof O
passiveQal passiveQal S
palel palel A
Hpealal (pealal) Hpealal B
pilel pilel C
pilpel pilpel D
polel polel E
poel poel K
tifil tifil M
polal polal F
polpal polpal G
pulal pulal I
poal poal L
hotpaal hotpal Y
hitpolel hitpolel V
hitpalpel hitpalp W
hishtafel hishtaf Z
nitpael nitpael X
nitpalpel nitpal 7
nitpoel nitpoel 8
hitpoel hitpoel 9
Aramaic stem aphel aph ¡
haphel haph ¬
hishtaphel hishtaph »
hithaphel hithaph
hithpaal hithpaal
hithpalpel hithpalp
hithpeel hithpe Δ
hithpolel hithpol «
hophal hoph ƒ
ishtaphel ishtaph
ithpaal ithpaal À
ithpeel ithpeel Ã
ithpoel ithpoel ÷
pael pael Õ
peal peal Œ
peil peil œ
Apolel (polel) Apolel
saphel saph
shaphel shaph
Apoel Apoel 1
palpel palpel 2
ithpalpel ithpalp 3
ithpolel ithpol 4
ittaphal ittaph 5
quadriradical Quad 6
istaphel istaph β
Samaritan stem Bqal Bqal ©
Bpiel Bpiel ʃ
Bnifal Bnif å
Bhitpael Bhitpael
BpassivePiel BpassivePiel
PassivePiel passivePiel π
PassiveHifal passiveHif
Aspect perfect
imperative impera V
infinitiveConstruct infinitiveConst C
infinitiveAbsolute infinitiveAbs A
participle part T
passiveParticiple passiveP S
Person first 1 1
second 2 2
third 3 3
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
common comm C
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
State absolute abs A
construct const C
determined deter D
Other apocopated apoc J
consecutive consec S
jussive both jussiveB E
jussive form jussiveF F
jussive meaning jussiveM G
cohortative both cohortativeB X
cohortative form cohortativeF Y
cohortative meaning cohortativeM Z
cohortative heh cohortativeH H