Greek Tag Code Tables

When you are working with a grammatically tagged text, you can use tag details as part of your search criteria. These parameters can be included in your search argument as part of a Construct tab (by dragging a part of speech palette item into an element column) or through the use of the Tags submenu (Search menu) from the search entry box.

This topic contains a comprehensive listing of all the valid settings for each of the parts of speech of the tagged Greek texts. It also shows the abbreviated form and tag code symbol for each of these options. The Tag display pop-up menus in the Parsing and Analysis Display dialog boxes let you view the full parsing information, the abbreviated forms, or the tag codes.

In some tagged texts certain parts of speech are not further classified. This is indicated in parentheses beside the part of speech in this appendix. When accessing the Tags submenu for these texts, the parts of speech will be entered directly in the Search Entry box.

The tag codes are made up of single letters and displayed in the same order as the full parsing information. Thus, an N in the tag code for an adjective means either neuter or nominative, depending on where it appears in the code. This Parsing tab has been set to display tag codes:

The first tag code in this picture, V3PPPI, shows that έγείρονται is a verb third person plural present passive indicative.

If a tag option is undefined, the space is filled with 0.

The following tables list the tags, abbreviations and tag codes for each part of speech. Not all the available tags are used in every text.

Adjective (Tag Code = J)Adjective (Tag Code = J)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
neuter neut N
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Case nominative nom N
genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
vocative voc V
ablative abl B
Degree noDegree noDeg X
comparative comp C
superlative super S
Class properName proper P
possessive poss S
demonstrative demonst D
interrogative inter G
indefinite indef F
intensive intens I
cardinal card C
ordinal ord O
numeral num N
relative rel R
verbal verb V
Style sacrum sacrum S

Adverbs (Tag Code = B)Adverbs (Tag Code = B)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Degree noDegree noDeg X
comparative comp C
superlative super S
negative neg N

Article (Tag Code = A)Article (Tag Code = A)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
neuter neut N
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Case nominative nom N
genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
vocative voc V

Conjunction (Tag Code = C)Conjunction (Tag Code = C)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class coordinating coord C
subordinating subord S
(with Class of coordinating)
continuative cont B
correlative corr C
disjunctive disj D
interrogative inter G
copulative cop K
imperatival imper I
inferential infer Q
explanatory explan X
adversative advers V
(with Class of subordinating)
causal caus A
conditional cond E
interrogative inter G
locational loc L
complement compl N
comparative comp P
resultive result R
concessive conc S
temporal temp T

Improper Preposition (Tag Code = M)Improper Preposition (Tag Code = M)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Object case genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
ablative abl B

Interjection (Tag Code = I)Interjection (Tag Code = I)

There are no tag options to further classify or define an interjection.

Noun (Tag Code = N)Noun (Tag Code = N)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
neuter neut N
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Case nominative nom N
genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
vocative voc V
ablative abl B
locative loc L
Class common comm C
properName proper P

Particle (Tag Code = T)Particle (Tag Code = T)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class alternating alter A
indefinite indef F
interrogative interr G
emphatic emphat M
negative neg N
comparative compare P
subjective subj S
modal mod U
aramaic aram R
hebrew hebr H



The Hebrew and Aramaic tags are alternate tags used to identify words imported into the Greek from those languages (i.e. foreign words). These tags are sometimes attached to words which are not particles. In the LXX the Hebrew tag is used for all transliterated words.

Preposition (Tag Code = P)Preposition (Tag Code = P)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Object case genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
ablative abl B

Pronoun (Tag Code = O)Pronoun (Tag Code = O)

  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Class Correlative Corr C
Demonstrative Demonst D
Indefinite Indef F
Interrogative Inter G
Personal Pers P
Possessive Poss S
Reciprocal Recip L
Reflexive Reflex X
Relative Rel R
Subclass first 1 1
second 2 2
third 3 3
adjectival adj A
substantival subst S
definite def D
indefinite indef F
intensive intens I
Gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
neuter neut N
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Case nominative nom N
genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
vocative voc V
ablative alb B

Many of the options for subclass can be used only with particular classes. The following chart (from the pronoun tag details dialog box) shows which subclasses are available with each class. The word after the number is the class; the subclasses available for each class are listed beneath it.


The first, second, and third person pronouns are classified as subclasses rather than person. Thus to specify a first person pronoun, select first from the subclass pop-up menu. You cannot specify agreement in person between a pronoun and a verb.

Verb (Tag Code = V)Verb (Tag Code = V)

Some Verb tag options are only available based on the settings for other tags. For example, the participle gender, number, and case can only be set when the mood is set to participle.


The participle number is a separate tag from the regular verb number. Thus to find all plural verbs search for [VERB plural] <OR> [VERB participle plural].


  Full Word Abbreviation Tag Code
Person first 1 1
second 2 2
third 3 3
Number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Tense present pres P
imperfect imperf I
future fut F
aorist aor A
perfect perf R
pluperfect pluperf L
futperfect futperf Z
Voice activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element act A
middle mid M
passive pass P
deponent dep D
Mood indicative indic I
subjunctive subj S
optative opt O
imperative impera M
infinitive infin N
participle part P
gerund ger G
Lgerundivus Lger D
supine sup U
Participle gender masculine masc M
feminine fem F
neuter neut N
Participle number singular sing S
plural plur P
dual dual D
Participle case nominative nom N
genitive gen G
dative dat D
accusative acc A
vocative voc V
ablative abl B
Style sacrum sacrum S