Select Tag Details Dialog Box (Greek)

Prerequisites for Use

Use: The Select Tag Details dialog box is used to enter selected parts of speech in the Search Entry box or a Greek Construct tab for searches.

Description: The Select Tag Details dialog box offers pop-up menus available for the selected part of speech. Click one of the links below to view the Select Tag Details dialog box for that part of speech.

Open the Select Tag Details Dialog BoxOpen the Select Tag Details Dialog Box

The tags for Greek are Adjective, Adverb, Article, Conjunction, Improper Preposition, Noun, Particle, Proposition, Pronoun, and Verb. In the instructions below, XXX indicates the desired tag.

Do one of the following:

Options in the Select Tag Details Dialog BoxOptions in the Select Tag Details Dialog Box

  • Pop-up Menus: The Select Tag Details dialog box has pop-up menus for all available options for that part of speech.
  • Multiple Constraints: To select more than one name from each pop-up menu, hold down Shift and select the desired items. Additional constraints appear to the right of the pop-up menu.
  • Removing Constraints: To remove a constraint, select the blank entry from the desired pop-up menu. This removes all constraints from that tag detail.
  • There is a dependent relationship between some details in the Select Tag Details dialog box. In these cases, some details are not meaningful unless other details have particular values. The pop-up menus of these details are dimmed until the appropriate selections are made.


If you are using a localized version of Accordance, pop-up menu items in the Select Tag Details dialog boxes are translated. However, after clicking OK the details are entered in the Search Entry box or Construct tab in English.

  • NOT: When an item is selected, the Not check box appears. Select NOT to negate all the choices for that pop-up menu. A minus sign appears before the tag entry when it is placed in the Search Entry box, indicating that a form must not match that tag constraint.

    Example: If you select Male and then NOT, Male would be excluded from the search, but all other genders would be included.
  • OK: Enters the grammatical constraints in the Search Entry box in the correct form, with an @ symbol if they immediately follow a word, or in the construct item.
  • Cancel: Closes the Select Tag Details dialog box without entering any tags.

If multiple tags are selected, they are added to the Search Entry box in parentheses and separated by commas as alternate search criteria. In this case, the search criteria is met if it contains any of these tags.

Definitions of all Greek grammatical tags are available in this Help. For more information about a specific part of speech, click the View Parts of Speech Details link for each part of speech listed at the top of this topic.


At the bottom of some details pop-up menus you may see additional tags in italics. In the Hebrew dialogs these refer to Aramaic or Syriac tags such as the Aramaic verb stems. In Greek these tags apply to Latin tagged texts, such as noun cases.