Example: Greek Grammatical Search

Goal: You notice the use of the word "egennethe" in Matt 1:16; you would like to find other instances of "gennaw" in the aorist passive.

Setup: A grammatically tagged GNT such as the GNT-T or GNT28-T is required for this search.

  1. Open a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area with the GNT-T as the search text.
  2. Set the Search tab to search for Words and then click inside the Search Entry box. If there is a search argument in the box, delete it.
  3. On the Search menu, choose Enter Lexical Forms. The Select Lexical Forms dialog box appears.
  4. In the Go to box of the Select Lexical Forms dialog box, type genn and press Enter. The Greek letters for "gennaw" appear in the Search Entry box.
  5. On the Search menu, choose Enter Tag>Verb. The Select tag details for VERB dialog box appears. Proceed as follows:
    • Tense pop-up menu: Choose aorist.
    • Voice pop-up menu: Choose passive.
    • Click OK. The tag definition is added to the Search Entry box with the @ symbol linking it to the preceding word.
      The Search Entry box should appear as shown below:
  6. Press Enter or Return. Several forms of "gennaw" in the aorist passive are displayed in the Search tab.

    An example of the results is shown below.