Edit Menu

Edit Menu Item Description Notes
Undo/Redo or Undo Typing/Redo Typing Undoes/Redoes the last keyboard or mouse action  
Cut Copies selected text or graphic to the clipboard and deletes it from the current location  
Copy Picture

Copy: Copies the selected text to the clipboard


Copy Picture: Copies the selected Plot, Construct, Diagram, or Atlas tab to the clipboard as a PNG image

Images can be pasted into any program that accepts PNG images. If the graphic is copied in a Tool Picture tab, the graphic is copied at full resolution.

Paste Pastes the copied text or picture at the new insertion point  
Paste and Match Style Pastes the contents of the clipboard with the style of the text at the insertion point  
Delete Deletes the selected text or picture  
Select All Selects all text in a pane or tab  
Copy As

Opens a submenu with the following options:

No Superscript: Copies the selected text without superscript characters

Citation: Copies the Bible text according to your Citation Preferences

Bibliography: Copies the text of a tool according to your Bibliography Preferences

Reference(s): Copies all or the selected verse references from the text pane

Transliteration: Copies the selected text and converts it to Rosetta transliteration

Lemmas: Copies the lexical forms underlying a tagged or Key number text

Interlinear: Copies the displayed Interlinear Text with all displayed Interlinear items

User Tool Link: Copies the moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource name, field, and search entry for use as a link in the Edit window of a User Tool

Style Only: Copies the styles of the selected text in any window; the styles include the font, size, style and color

Paste Style: Replaces the styles of selected text with the previously stored styles, in an Edit User layer for maps, an Edit window for User Notes or User Tools, or the description box of a Construct or Reference List window

For more information, see:

Preferences Citation, Preferences Bibliography, and Links in Tools