Search Commands and Grammatically Tagged Text

All the search commands can be used in grammatically tagged texts. The [COUNT ?], [HITS ?], and [INFER 6 ?] commands have special additional capabilities in tagged texts.

Using [COUNT ?] in Tagged TextsUsing [COUNT ?] in Tagged Texts

The [COUNT ?] command searches only for words that occur the specified number of times in the search range. This command always uses a list of exact words (sensitive to case, punctuation, and accent).

The default COUNT search in a tagged text uses the list of lemmas that occur the specified number of times. Additional modifiers can be used inside the brackets to choose a different list for the search. These modifiers (Keys, Inflected, and Tags) are entered with an equal sign directly after the numeral. Only the first character of each modifier needs to be entered.

[COUNT 1] uses the list of lemmas that occur only once.

[COUNT 1=i] uses the list of inflected forms that occur only once.

[COUNT 1=t] uses the list of entire tags that occur only once.

[COUNT 1=k] uses the list of Key numbers that occur only once.

Example 1: To find all hapax legomena (words that occur only once) search for [COUNT 1].

Example 2: To find any complete tags that appear less than 10 times in the range, search for [COUNT 1-9=t].


The COUNT command normally searches for the words that occur the specified number of times in the search range. However, when COUNT is combined with the RANGE command as in [RANGE Gen 1-3] <AND> [COUNT 1], and the Search range pop-up menu is set to All Text, the search result is words in Gen 1-3 that occur only once in the entire text

For more details, see [COUNT ?].

Using [HITS ?] in Tagged TextsUsing [HITS ?] in Tagged Texts

The [HITS ?] command is used to compare the word list from one search window with the words from another part of the same text, or another text in the same language.

The default HITS search in an untagged text uses the list of words, and in a grammatically tagged text the list of exact lemmas found by the search in the first window. The additional modifiers used for COUNT can be used with HITS in the same way.

[HITS tabname] uses the list of lemmas from the source (first) tab.

[HITS=i tabname] uses the list of inflected forms.

[HITS=t tabname] uses the list of entire tags.

[HITS=k tabname] uses the list of Key numbers.

For more details, see [HITS ?].

Using [INFER 6 ?] in Tagged TextsUsing [INFER 6 ?] in Tagged Texts

The INFER command is used to find allusions or inferences between texts in two tabs, using the same set of characters (Roman, Greek, Hebrew, etc.).

The source tab can be a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area displaying verses, or a search result, or a Reference List tab. In the second target tab with the command [INFER 6 tabname], Accordance looks for every phrase similar to any phrase from the source tab. The passages can be from the same or different texts.

The INFER command can be modified via the Select INFER Tab dialog box as follows:

  • For tagged text, select Words instead of Lexical Forms.
  • For Key number text, select Key numbers instead of Words.

    These modifiers are entered in the Search Entry box with an equal sign directly after the word INFER. The modifiers are Keys and Inflected. Only the first character of each modifier needs to be entered.

  • [INFER=k 6 tabname] uses the Key numbers from the source tab.
  • [INFER=i 6 tabname] uses the List of words (inflected forms) from the source tab.

For more details see [INFER 6 ?].