Create a User Notes File

If you have not already created a new User Notes file, when you add a note to a Text or Tool Accordance automatically creates one. The default name is "My Notes."

You can create as many User Notes files as desired, and then choose the file to which a note is added.


Each file can include all Text and Tool modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource, so plan your files accordingly. You do not need separate files for each book of the Bible or each Tool. However, you might want to have different files for different purposes such as Textual Notes, Devotional Notes, etc.

  1. On the File menu, choose User Files>New User Notes. The Enter New User Notes File Name dialog box appears.
  2. Enter a name for your User Notes file, and click OK. A message appears asking you to confirm this action.

    The new User Notes file is saved in the following location on your Mac OX X: The user's /Documents/Accordance Files/User Notes folder.



If a User Notes file is opened in Accordance from anywhere other than the default location (mentioned above), the file is copied to the default User Notes folder, and any changes you make are saved to that copy of the file (and not to the file you originally opened). This might happen, for example, when working with User Notes downloaded from Accordance Exchange or sent to you from another Accordance user.

To back up your User Notes, or copy them to another computer, be sure to find the folder containing your latest edited versions.


Accordance "loads" all User Notes files when it opens. If any corruption of the text or the links is found, it is removed. In this case a message appears and you are directed to a log file that details the changes.