Work with Workspaces

A workspace is the largest working unit in Accordance. All content, including the Library and Instant Details, open in a workspace.


The Edit windows do not open inside a workspace.

The workspace is essentially a blank window in which multiple types of content appear in different panels, tabs, and zones. An item added to a workspace creates a new tab or zone. The newly opened tab or zone becomes the "activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element" tab or zone," that is, the one currently being used. Simply click any tab or zone to make it the active tab or zone in the workspace.

Several workspaces can be open at any given time. Each workspace can be renamed and saved. You can also create duplicate workspaces. When the workspace is saved or duplicated, it includes the full layout including any open tabs and zones. This is particularly useful, for example, when viewing Details for a search (graphs, charts, etc.). The Analytics tabs are restored in the saved or duplicated workspace, so a complex search does not have to be recreated in order to review your results later on.

You can also choose how workspaces open each time you start Accordance. For example, you may prefer to work with more than workspace, or begin working with whatever workspace was being used when Accordance was last closed.