Understanding User Tool Fields

All text in a User Tool is automatically assigned to one of the following fields: Content, Titles, Scripture, Greek, Hebrew, or Rosetta.


  • Content includes the majority of the text—everything not specifically designated to another field.
  • The Content is broken up into articles, each preceded by a title line. The articles are limited in length by the "Block size" set in the Edit Windows area of the Preferences dialog box.

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  • The hierarchical titles appear in the browser, and break the text up into articles.
  • The first line of the Edit window is always a title line. This is indicated by the white T with a red background (The white T on a red background is the Title indicator in the Edit Window (User Tools)) in the left margin. The cursor changes to a red T () when it moves into the left margin of the Edit window.
    • Add or Remove a Title: Click the cursor in the left margin to add or remove a The white T on a red background is the Title indicator in the Edit Window (User Tools) from the first line of the adjacent paragraph.
    • Add a Subtitle: Opt+Click in the left margin changes the cursor to a white + sign (The plus sign symbol for adding a subtitle in the Edit window (User Tools)) and creates a subtitle indicated by a numeral.
      • The first level of subtitles are marked with a 1.
      • Opt+Click again to go up a level, for example, from level 1 to level 2.
      • Shift+ Opt+Click changes the cursor to white minus sign (Cursor for changing the Title level downward, for example from a third to a second level heading) and moves the subtitle down a level, for example from level 3 to level 2.
      • Opt+Click on a line below a subtitle enters a new subtitle of the same level.
  • You can also use font sizes and styles to distinguish major headings from subheadings.
  • Title Language and Length: The title must contain only English text. The limit for a title is 128 characters.
  • Use a carriage return to end the title and return to the Contents, or to start a second title if the title is too long. Changing to another field ends the text of the title.
  • The title can be left blank, in which case a blank line appears in the browser. The blank title can be used to break up sections of text which are too long for one article, but do not need another heading.

Scripture FieldsScripture Fields

A Scripture field is any validated Scripture reference which has become a link. (The default link style is blue underlined text.)

Any standard notation used in Accordance for entering book, chapter and verse is accepted. If the reference is not acceptable, a message specifies the error during the update process.

Display of Scripture links in the User Tool tab, and the Bible text which opens when clicking the link (if a Text tab is not already open), can be set in the Set Tool Display dialog box (Display>Set Tool Display).

Language FieldsLanguage Fields

The language fields supported are Greek, Hebrew, Rosetta, Uncial/Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Transliteration, and Manuscript. Any text in any of these languages is automatically assigned to the correct field. Accents and vowel points are ignored in the search and do not appear on the lists of words in the Select Words dialog box.