Move Around the Atlas

There are several ways to navigate in a Bible Atlas.

Scrolling Through the AtlasScrolling Through the Atlas

  • The scroll bars and arrows on the left and bottom of the tab, and the scroll wheel on the mouse, can be used to scroll throughout the Bible lands from Italy to Persia.
  • Hold down + to change the cursor to a grab hand . When the grab hand is displayed () you can click-and-drag the Atlas in any direction.
  • Press + and the arrow keys to scroll through the Atlas in all directions via the keyboard.

Zooming In and Out of the AtlasZooming In and Out of the Atlas

  • Click the zoom buttons at the top left of the Atlas tab to view zoom out (Timeline Zoom Out) or in (Timeline Zoom In) on the map. More details and place names appear as you zoom in. The current scale of the Atlas is displayed in the lower left of the Atlas tab.
    • Shift+Click on the In or Out buttons to increase or decrease the zoom by a factor of four.
    • Opt+Click on (Timeline Zoom Out) to quickly zoom out so that most of the Atlas is visible in the tab. The tab remains gray beyond the limits of the Atlas.
  • Other ways to zoom the Atlas:
    • Zoom into a specific area by selecting and double-clicking in an area of the Atlas.
    • Shift+ + Click on the Atlas changes the cursor to a magnifying glass and zooms in rapidly on the area of the click.
    • Press and hold ++ to continuously zoom in on the Atlas.
    • Press and hold + - to continuously zoom out of the Atlas.
    • Pinch to zoom in and out of an Atlas when using a touch screen or a trackpad.

Atlas and My PlacesAtlas and My Places

Accordance automatically remembers the last location and zoom level used for maps viewed in the Atlas. To open an Atlas with the system default zoom and location, press Opt when choosing a background.