Define Ranges Dialog Box

Prerequisites for use: None; this dialog box can be opened at any time.

Use: The Define Ranges dialog box is used to define additional search ranges which are added to the Search Range pop-up menu. You can also edit ranges, and change the order of items on the Search Range pop-up menu.

Description: The dialog box has two main areas. The top area lists current defined ranges and is used to create new search ranges, edit search ranges, and rearrange their order on the Search Range pop-up menu. The bottom area is used to define and verify the desired range.

Open the Define Ranges Dialog BoxOpen the Define Ranges Dialog Box

Do one of the following:

  • Press +R .
  • On the Search Range pop-up menu, choose Define Range.
  • On the Search menu, choose Define Range.

Define Ranges (Overview)Define Ranges (Overview)

  1. Open the Define Ranges dialog box.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Click New to define a new search range. The words "new range name" are displayed in the list of defined ranges and in the Name box; the words "new range definition" appear in the Definition box.
  4. Select an item in the list of defined ranges to edit a range. The name appears in the Name box and the current definition appears in the Definition box.
  5. In the Name box enter a name for the new range, or edit the current name.
  6. In the Definition box, enter any book, chapter, and verse definitions according to standard Accordance notation.
  7. Click Verify to validate the range.
  8. Click Update to save your changes. If a Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area is open, the selected range becomes the current search range.

Options in the Define Range Dialog BoxOptions in the Define Range Dialog Box

List of Defined Ranges (top left): Display the default search ranges and any ranges you have defined. You can edit or delete the default ranges, as desired.

The first or the currently selected range is highlighted in the list, and its name and definition are displayed in the Name and Definition boxes.

List Buttons: Used to arrange the names in the list and on the Search Range pop-up menu.

  • New: Adds "new range name" to the list and in the Name box, and places the words "new range definition" in the Definition box.
  • Delete: Removes the selected range from the list and from the Search Range pop-up menu.
  • Up and Down Buttons: Click to move the selected range up or down the list.

Name Box: Used to enter or modify the selected search range. Adding spaces before the name indents it on the pop-up menu.

Definition Box: Used to enter the book, chapter, and verse definitions for the search range, using standard Accordance notation. Examples of acceptable notations are displayed underneath the box.

Verify: Click to validate the range definition; you are also advised of any errors in the definition. Clicking on any other button except Delete, or on another name in the list, also validates the definition.

Book Order Pop-up Menu: Displays the current search text. You can select from any available text to validate the search range. For example, since the order of books in the Bible is different in English and Hebrew, a range of Job-Psalms would be valid for an English text, but not a Hebrew text.

Update: Saves all changes to the Search Range pop-up menu, and makes the current range the selection in the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab. The Define Ranges dialog box remains open so you can define more ranges.

If you go to close this dialog box before clicking Update, a message appears asking if you want to save or discard the changes.