Words Searches ()

When performing a Words search, you can look for a single word, a specific phrase, and more. You can perform precise (Word) or flexible (Flex) searches, Letters searches in Hebrew Texts, and Headings searches in Texts that contain pericopeClosed A set of passages (one or more verses) which have been identified as a unit (for example, parallel passages)/outline headings. You can also access additional search options to further limit the range and scope of the search. A Bracketed Words option is also available for original language Hebrew texts.

To choose the type of search (Exact, Flex, Letters, Headings), click the Words pop-up menu () and choose Words, Flex (in non-grammatically tagged Texts), Letters (in Hebrew Texts), or Headings (in Texts that include pericope/outline headings).

To view the additional search options click the Search Conditions button () to the far right of the Search Entry box.

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Words Searches in Accordance Unicode Bible ModulesWords Searches in Accordance Unicode Bible Modules

You can perform Words searches in a User Unicode Bible as well as updated Accordance Unicode Bibles (such as Chinese or Russian).

To search for words in Unicode Bibles, do one of the following:

  • Directly enter text in the Search Entry box after selecting the correct Macintosh international keyboard. The text entered is displayed using Accordance fonts (and not in Unicode).
  • Copy and paste the words from the text into the Search Entry box.

If a Words search is not available for your Accordance Bible moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource, use the Check for Updates option (on the Accordance menu) to update the module and enable Words searches in that Unicode module.