Work with the Analysis Tab

To open the Analysis tab:

  1. Perform a word search in a Search tabs.
  2. On the Hit Options bar, click Analytics (Click to open graphs and tables for analyzing your search results) and choose Analysis from the pop-up list. The Analysis tab opens in an Analytics zone.

Understand Information Displayed in the Analysis TabUnderstand Information Displayed in the Analysis Tab

Data displayed in the Analysis tab includes:

  • Sort pop-up menu: Used to set how items are sorted (Alphabetical, Count down, or Count up) and the number of search fields that contain the search argument. An example of the same Analysis tab, sorted in different ways, is shown below.
  • Font size buttons: Click to quickly adjust the display between small, medium, and large fonts.
  • Action pop-up menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ): Provides quick access to the most commonly used items in the Set Analysis Display dialog box.
  • The Analysis Data
  • The total number of verses displayed (1). This number matches the last number at the top left of the text panes in the Search tabClosed The core tab used to search Bible texts, it consists of a search entry area and a search results area.
  • The search argument entered in the Search Entry box (2) followed by the number of hit wordsClosed The verses, words, text, or other information found as the result of a search.
  • The number of forms (3). This appears only when more than one form of a word is found (such as a wild-card search) and no additional information is displayed on each word.
  • The bottom section of the tab displays information about the different words that matched the search criteria.
    • A dotted line (4) separates the analysis of each word in a phrase or construct.
    • If the text has Key numbers (5), they can be displayed under each word, with the transliterated and original words, as shown below.

Default Display of the Analysis TabDefault Display of the Analysis Tab

You can change the default display of the Analysis tab.

  1. Make sure the Analysis tab is the activeClosed The application, window, tab, or other screen element which is currently being used; sometimes called the "front" or "frontmost" screen element tab.
  2. On the Display menu, choose Set Analysis Display. The Set Analysis Display dialog box appears.
  3. You can also press +T or right-click within the Analysis tab and chose Set Analysis Display.
  4. The Set Analysis Display dialog box provides different options for tagged and non-tagged texts.
  5. Change the settings as desired. You can choose:
  6. font size.
  7. alphabetical or numerical sort.
  8. display of the Key number (in Keyed Bible texts).
  9. counting by number, formulae for frequency, uniqueness, or importance.

Key Number Texts and the Analysis TabKey Number Texts and the Analysis Tab

When you amplifyClosed To select words or a reference and search for the selection in the text or tool of your choice. You can select the resource in the Library or Amplify menus. A triple-click is a shortcut which amplifies to the top tool of the relevant category. from Key Number text to an Analysis tab, a statistical and categorical breakdown of your search results is displayed. You can use the Set Analysis Display dialog box to display of the search results based on Word, Intertext Word (available when performing a TEXT command search in a Key Number Text), or Key Number. This example shows a Words search in the ESVS for the word "glory".

To set the sort order based on Word or Key Number:

  1. Open an Analysis tab, as detailed at the beginning of this topic. Make sure your search is in a Key Number Text.
  2. Press +T. The Set Analysis Display dialog box for Key Number Texts appears.
  3. In the table of the Set Analysis Display dialog box, drag the Word or Key Number item to the desired sort order, and click OK. The search results in the Analysis tab are broken down according to the selected order.
  4. Each column represents the consecutive words in the search hits.
  5. The sort table should appear as shown below, to display "glory" broken down Word and Key Number.


If using the Count Up or Count Down sort order, only one item can be placed in each column.

Grammatically Tagged Texts and the Analysis TabGrammatically Tagged Texts and the Analysis Tab

When you amplify from grammatically tagged text to an Analysis tab, a statistical and categorical breakdown of your search results is displayed. You can use the Set Analysis Display dialog box to determine the precise grammatical breakdown and display of the search results. This example shows a search for lemmas with "כבד" broken down by lemmaClosed The canonical (dictionary) form of a word, stem, aspect, and number.

The word "כבד" broken down by lemma, stem, aspect, and number

To set the sort order based on grammatical tags:

  1. Open an Analysis tab, as detailed at the beginning of this topic. Make sure your search is in an original language text.
  2. Press +T. The Set Analysis Display dialog box for grammatically tagged text appears.
    The available items in the table change depending on the source language.
  3. In the table of the Set Analysis Display dialog box, drag the desired part of speech above or below the LEX item in the respective columns, and click OK. The search results in the Analysis tab are broken down by the selected grammatical tags.
  4. The sort table should appear as shown below, to display "כבד" broken down by lemma, stem, aspect, and number.


If using the Count Up or Count Down sort order, only one item can be placed in each column.

Intertext with a Key Number Text and the Analysis TabIntertext with a Key Number Text and the Analysis Tab

The Intertext feature is available in the Analysis Tab when using the TEXT command in a Key Number text. You can use the Set Analysis Display dialog box to display of the search results based on Word, Intertext Word, or Key Number. This example shows a TEXT command search in the ESVS for the Hebrew word "אדמ".

To add the Intertext item to the Analysis display:

  1. Make sure your search is in a Key Number Text, and the TEXT command is being used. Open an Analysis tab, as detailed at the beginning of this topic.
  2. With the Analysis Tab in the active zone, Press +T. The Set Analysis Display dialog box for Key Number Texts appears.
  3. In the table of the Set Analysis Display dialog box, drag the Intertext item to the desired location in the first column. The Select Intertext Source Dialog box is displayed.
  4. If the Intertext selection is a Key Number Text, options for displaying either the word or key number are provided.
  5. Options for displaying either the lexical or inflected forms are provided.
  6. Click OK. The results are displayed in the Analysis pane.
  7. The sort table should appear as shown below, to display "אדמ" broken down by Word, Key Number, and Intertext.


If using the Count Up or Count Down sort order, only one item can be placed in each column.

Intertext with a Grammatically Tagged Text and the Analysis TabIntertext with a Grammatically Tagged Text and the Analysis Tab

The Intertext feature is available in the Analysis Tab when using certain grammatically-tagged texts. You can use the Intertext option in the Set Analysis Display dialog box to display results from any associated WordMap Text. This example shows a search in the HMT-W4 for the Hebrew word "טוב", displayed with the corresponding LXX words and their frequency.

To add the Intertext item to the Analysis display:

  1. Make sure your search is in a grammatically-tagged Text which support Intertext. These include:
  2. MT-LXXClosed The MT-LXX Interlinear Database is a purchased Accordance resource that enables Interlinear Display of your installed Hebrew and Septuagint texts. (Supports HMT-W4, BHS-T, LXX1, LXXS-T, LXX Göttingen)
  3. Targums Wordmap (Supports HMT-W4, TARG-T, TARG2-T, TARG2M-T, TARG3-T, TARGF-T, and TARGG-T)
  4. Open an Analysis tab, as detailed at the beginning of this topic.
  5. With the Analysis Tab in the active zone, Press +T. The Set Analysis Display dialog box for Key Number Texts appears.
  6. In the table of the Set Analysis Display dialog box, drag the Intertext item to the desired location in the first column. The Select Intertext Source Dialog box is displayed.
  7. If the search text is one for which multiple WordMaps are available, a drop-down list of WordMap Texts is provided.
  8. Options for displaying either the lexical or inflected forms are provided.
  9. Click OK. The results are displayed in the Analysis pane.
  10. The sort table should appear as shown below, broken down by Word, Key Number, and Intertext Item. In this case, the Intertext item is the LXX1, displaying inflected word forms.


If using the Count Up or Count Down sort order, only one item can be placed in each column.