Using the MT-LXX Resources

The MT-LXXClosed The MT-LXX Interlinear Database is a purchased Accordance resource that enables Interlinear Display of your installed Hebrew and Septuagint texts. Parallel Tool and MT-LXX Interlinear Database are important resources for Bible research, particularly with regard to Greek and Hebrew language-related issues. One of these resources must be installed on your computer to take advantage of Interlinear Display of installed Hebrew and Septuagint Texts.

Upgrading from the MT-LXX Interlinear Database to the full MT-LXX Parallel provides full display of the parallel Hebrew/Greek Texts and advanced search capabilities.

Interlinear Display with the MT-LXXInterlinear Display with the MT-LXX

Prerequisites for Use:

  1. At least one original tagged Text is installed (Greek or Hebrew) and displayed.
  2. If only the Septuagint (LXX) Text is installed, but not the Hebrew Tagged Text, the Hebrew displayed under the Greek is unpointed.
  3. If only the Hebrew Tagged Text is installed, but not the Septuagint (LXX) Text, the Interlinear Display will function, but you cannot use Analytics in a search
  4. Either the MT-LXX Parallel OR the MT-LXX Interlinear Database is installed.
    The MT-LXX item is not available if the appropriate resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module is not installed.

MT-LXX AnalyticsMT-LXX Analytics

If the prerequisites are met, the equivalent Greek words can be shown in the Analytics after a Hebrew search, and vice versa. The data displayed in the Analytics is algorithmically determined and should only be used for an overview of the equivalents, not as research results. Simply drag the MT-LXX item into a column in the Set Analysis Display dialog box or choose MT-LXX from the Class pop-up menu for the Analysis Bar Chart or Analysis Pie Chart.

Two MT-LXX items are available:

  • MT-LXX Lex: Displays the lexical forms.
  • MT-LXX Word: Displays the inflected forms (as the word appears in the text).

Prerequisites for Use:

  1. Both the Greek and Hebrew Tagged Texts are installed.
  2. The MT-LXX Parallel is installed.
    The MT-LXX item is not available if the appropriate resources are not installed.

Using the MT-LXX ParallelUsing the MT-LXX Parallel

When working with the MT-LXX Parallel in its own Tool tab, you can perform full searches of the Hebrew and Greek columns, and view the footnotes and annotations.

While it's not possible to search for every inflected formClosed The word as it appears in the original text, which may be modified from its base dictionary form of a lexemeClosed A meaningful linguistic unit that is an item in the vocabulary of a language directly within the MT-LXX Tool, you can use the [MERGE] search command to find all forms of a word in both the MT and the LXX.

Follow the steps in the sample search below to use the [MERGE] command with the MT-LXX and HMT and LXX Texts. The sample search finds every instance where יהוה in the MT is translated with κύριος in the LXX:

  1. Open the MT-LXX, a grammatically tagged Hebrew Text (such as the HMT-W4), and a grammatically tagged Greek Septuagint (such as LXX1).
  2. Enter יהוה in the HMT-W4 tab by typing it in directly, or by placing your cursor in the Text Entry box and selecting Search>Enter Lexical Forms and selecting יהוה.
  3. Enter κύριος in the LXX1 tab by typing it in directly, or by placing your cursor in the Text Entry box and selecting Search>Enter Lexical Forms and selecting κύριος.
  4. With the cursor in the Search Entry box, select Search>Enter Command>MERGE. The Tab Select dialog box is displayed.
  5. Select the HMT-W4 tab. The [MERGE] command is displayed in the Search Entry box of the MT-LXX.
  6. With the cursor in the Search Entry box, select Search>Enter Command>AND. The <AND> command is displayed in the Search Entry box.
  7. With the cursor in the Search Entry box, select Search>Enter Command>MERGE. The Tab Select dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select the LXX1 tab. The [MERGE] command is displayed in the Search Entry box of the MT-LXX.
  9. In order to display only the hit items, from the MT-LXX action menu (Action pop-up menu: Provides additional options ) select Show Text As>Paragraphs and Show Text As>Add Titles.
  10. In order to find the matching word items in each verse, set the Search Scope to "Paragraph" ().
  11. Press Enter or Return to perform the search.

Using the MT-LXX Parallel: Part 1—Using the [MERGE] search command

Using the MT-LXX Parallel: Part 2

Download the MT-LXX Parallel Manual

Purchase the MT-LXX Parallel

Purchase the MT-LXX Interlinear Database