Upgrading to Version 14 (Experienced Users)


If you are upgrading from Accordance 8 or earlier, it is best to do a fresh install of Accordance 14 and download the latest versions of all your modulesClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource via Easy Install. Please contact techsupport@accordancebible.com if you need assistance.

With Accordance Version 14, the program and all resources are downloaded. There are no more installers or unlock keys.

Upgrading User Notes from Version 10.2 and LowerUpgrading User Notes from Version 10.2 and Lower

During, the upgrade procedure you may receive a "cross-platform" message, as shown below.

Cross-platform message when syncing to Dropbox

If you click Update, the file extension for all User Notes and User Tools is changed so that you can share these files between Mac and Windows computers running Accordance. If you choose not to add the extension, you can always do so manually later on.


If you choose to update the files, any unsynced changes to your User Notes on other devices will be lost (that is, they will not be incorporated into the renamed file). Therefore, be sure to Sync your User Files BEFORE adding the extensions.