Settings View

You can define how Texts and Tools are displayed, the default parameters for Text searches, and save your Accordance account information via the Settings View, accessed via the Settings button () at the bottom of the Library.

Note: Changes made in Settings view are applied to every relevant module in your Library. Settings can be made to individual modules via the Quick Settings button ().

When changing the Settings, changes do not appear in the currently loaded Text or Tool. Change the selection in the Library to another Text/Tool and then back again to view the new display settings.

Changes made in Settings View are saved without having to click a "Save" or "Done" button.

After saving your changes, tap Done>Close to return to the previously displayed content.

Tap Help (top left) to access these Help pages.

Note for Experienced Accordance Users: The Settings are similar to the Preferences set on the desktop version of Accordance.

Tap the Settings button () in the lower right corner of the Library View to access the Settings options.