Choose More Search Conditions

When performing a basic Word search, two search options are of particular relevance: Scope and Range. Combined these items can be used to highly limit the search and find the word or phrase you want, exactly where you would like to find it. These items are accessed via the Search Conditions button (Click to display additional options in the Search Entry area).


A Bracketed Words option is also available for any text, and is useful where reconstructed words are in brackets.

Example: 4Q266 f2i:1 [… what is its beginning and what its ending and …] before 2 [it comes upon them, for …] for it is not permitted [to] celebrate their holidays [too early ]or too late. 3 [… and h]e decreed periods of w[rath for a people who know him not 4 [and he established times of favor for those who see]k His commandments and to

This item is discussed in more detail in the topic Hebrew Searches.