Library Categories

Example of Viewing Categories in the LibraryThe Library is divided into six separate sections:

The Tools that you purchase can be automatically assigned to a category, to make it easier to find a particular resourceClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or module. You can define your own category or sort all Tools into pre-defined categories, and then rearrange them according to your preference. The pre-defined categories are shown on the right.

You can:


You cannot rename or delete the pre-defined Parallels category, nor move the Parallels modules from this category. This category is essential for proper display of the Parallels modules.

If desired, you can always restore the arrangement of your Tools to the default categories, and restore any deleted categories via the Appearance area of the Preferences dialog box.


It is very important, particularly when you have numerous resources, to take the time to carefully arrangement each moduleClosed Any Bible text, or other single tool that can be read in Accordance, including reference texts and articles; may also be referred to as content or resource within the categories, based on your preferred resource. Many features in Accordance rely on the location of the first resource of a specific type when providing you with additional information.

For example, if you are searching all Bible dictionaries for a particular topic, having Webster's dictionary at the top of your dictionaries could provide rather meaningless results. On the other hand, if your favorite dictionary for research is the Holman Bible Dictionary, having it first will provide results better meeting your needs.